Tuesday, March 01, 2016




Anonymous said...

Hello Berbert!
How are you? I would say how fortunate I am to come across your blog!
I do love CKY after doing a bit research on it and attending it's open day, but it has never been like this to have such an exciting feeling as putting it on the top one of my choices for my twin boys.
They are in KV now but will attend Munsang Kindergarten in Sept because MSK is a through train K. MS is not our most preferred school but we still chose it because of the difficulty in applying for a good primary school especially for twins.
May I know whether my boys are at a disadvantage If they are from MSK? Let's put it in the other way round, should my boys stay in KV if we want them to attend CKY?
I know this is a difficult issue and it is an odd request to ask for your opinion, but hope you can help.
During my stay in CKY during the open day, I did ask a few parents and they said they seldom know any kids from MSK, as mostly from SC and KV.
Thank you very much

Herbert SHIU said...

For individual kids' issue, please send a private email to me so that we can communicate by emails instead.

Anonymous said...

I also have similar question so that I hope you both can share your discussion in public.

Herbert SHIU said...


1. 把討論放在留言部分的話,而不是網文的主題,沒有參與討論的網友來說,他們不會知道有這樣的討論。但是如果我登一篇網文專討論某一間學校,我的網誌只會變成另一個BK,所以如果有討論某些學校的,我會建議還是到BK去。
2. 在討論這些安排考慮的時候,難免會涉及個別家庭以及小孩的細節,所以公開來討論,只能很宏觀的討論,根本不能討論到個別情況的問題。所以,私信是比較合適的。
3. 這個網誌雖然不是什麼瀏覽量高的網頁,但始終都是在網上,所有內容都會在互聯網上留下來。在討論個別學校以及小孩時,難免有些主觀,甚至是未經考證的資料(例如從某途徑聽到什麼),在私信裡我可以提及這些資料讓家長參考,或讓家長自行求證,但是如果便把這些資料於在這裡,我怕將來我或留言者要為這些資料負上責任。這雖然是有點誇張或想多了,但是私信的確是可以讓我跟家長在一個較安全的環境裡暢所欲言。

Herbert SHIU said...
